* Find the Power Inside the Weakness
I will tell you something about Sensitivity,
that you probably do not know..
Sensitivity is the Greatest Power there is,
Weakness occurs only when the person Chooses to Hide from his Strength,
and thus live on the Weak Side,
in the Shadow of His Self..
* The Weak Side contains:
Defenses for nothing, etc etc..
* On the Opposite Side, when Sensitivity is Utilized as a Force by the Individual
then the person begins to Experience his True Power,
Because He Can Choose To See Beyond Two Eyes:
"Sensitive Cultivated means 6th Sense Activated Consciously"
So we are talking about Level "Empathy and Third Eye Consciously Activated"
,in an Iron World..
* You can Choose:
"To be in pain and to be Closed even more Inside You,
or to Learn and Evolve From Your Sensitivity..
You Can Suffer From What You See, with Emotion.
Or You Can Feel Grateful,
that You See what others Ignore.."
We are only our Choices and nothing else.
Ioannis Charalampidis ~ Kundalini_Reiki Master Teacher
© Greece 4/12/2020